Success Stories
- Recommended revisions to an approved land development plan for a 500-acre, dead-in-the-water property the owner believed had no residual value. Within five years of accepting our new plan, the developer has netted $70 million after selling 65% of the property. The company projects a total of $100 million in profit when the remaining homes are sold.
- Prepared a land development plan for a depleted 4,500-acre oil property. The entitlement is projected to cost $12 million. Upon Specific Plan approval, the Paper Lot Land Residual Value is projected to be more than $150 million. At full build out, the project is estimated to generate more than $800 million.
“Richland Communities has engaged the services of Barry Gross for more than 17 years. He is a valued member of our team and has provided us with timely and useful information supporting our development planning.” - Jack Bray Chairman, Richland Group
- Revised an outdated and expired land development plan for a foreclosed property owned by a financial institution that determined the property would be a total loss. A new entitlement approach convinced a national builder to acquire the property, resulting in projected land development profits exceeding $50 million.
- Recommended repositioning a 430-acre residential project to an industrial use which led to an increase in land residual value estimated at $18 million to more than $75 million.